2023 Annual Report
The Frederick-Firestone Fire District's Annual Report provides residents and businesses that reside in the Towns of Frederick and Firestone information about the Fire District on a yearly basis.
2023 Annual ReportFiscal Responsibility
Where the Money Comes From

Where the Money Goes

Operational Snapshot
In 2023, Frederick-Firestone Fire crews ran a total of 2,944 calls. Of those calls, 2,005 were medical calls, 555 were fire calls, and 384 were non-fire calls for service.
- Average Emergency Call Response Time: 5:02
- Automatic and Mutual Aid: Received 55; Given 78
- Property Saved: $6.2 Million
- Property Loss: $1.3 Million
The Training Division is responsible for providing fire rescue and emergency medical trainings for crews and staff. These trainings include hours of lecture and practical instruction by way of teleconferencing to the stations, in-person drills and field instruction, or situational drills at the training facility.
2023 Training Division highlights include:
- Total Fire and Medical Training Hours: 24,818
- Fire Training Award: EMT/Firefighter Brad Harris
- EMS Training Award: Paramedic/Firefighter Virginia Signer
- 16 new operations staff members.
- Seven (7) emergency medical technician field instructions completed.
- Eight (8) paramedic field instructions completed.
- One (1) member completed paramedic school, three (3) additional attending.
- District changed from American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI) to American Heart Association (AHA) for BLS, ACLS, and PALS certifications.
Community Risk Reduction (CRR) Highlights
- 126 special use permits issued.
- 95% of fire protection systems compliant.
- Added one (1) Fire Prevention Specialist to assist with inspection workloads.
- 789 Annual Business inspections completed.
- 133 High Hazard o9ccupanacies inspected.
Community Engagement
- 25 total CPR/AED/Basic First Aid Classes; 384 Students Certified.
- 20 car seats safely installed/checked for parents in the community.
- 13 fire station tours: 461 total visitors.
- Visited 23 schools and educated 1,274 students.
- 104 Home Risk Assessments/Visits